One Year Today!

December 5th marks one year to the day since we walked into the Calderwood Sales Office and put a deposit down on our future.

Sure, not a lot has happened for us since but geez...a lot has gone down out at the Estate. Every week that passes sees significant change in all releases. As I update this, 1A has houses already standing with many nearing completion - some of these are the new display homes so progress was always going to be quick. There are plenty of private homes going up in this release too and it must be exciting times for those new home owners.

Earthworks and Infrastructure works are continuing at a rapid rate with release 1D already having roads laid, utilities set and some minor cosmetic landscaping completed. This release is due to settle in the coming week or so, just in time for Christmas. I would imagine new slabs to be down on these blocks shortly into the new year.

Construction in 1A - things are well underway.

Violet Boulevard in release 1D
The spot where North Macquarie Road joins the new Escarpment Drive
A wider view from the bottom of release 2A

The recently opened section of Escarpment Drive which joins onto the old North Macquarie Road. This will be the main thoroughfare through the estate.

The Escarpment Drive bridge over Macquarie Rivulet. I shot this today...not long to go!

Street signs are popping up everywhere.

As works progress we are finding it easier to pinpoint where our little slice of Calderwood Valley sits.  We are still set to register with Council mid 2017 however there are rumours that the neighbouring release (2B) has been delayed by some months, mainly due to a feud between Shellharbour and Wollongong Councils over local roads. All things going well we are maybe 12 months or so away from "turn-key" which is über exciting!

Roughly where our block (2357) will be located
Image courtesy D.Rozadilla  - Aerial of The Oaks Release (2B) shot around end of October.

Our Hill -  Were up just behind the dark mound of dirt centre of frame.


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