This morning we visited our local Austral Bricks display centre to check out the bricks for our Havana. Shell and I spent some time going over the brick selections from the brochure the came with our colour selections folder from McDonald Jones and thought we had our selections decided...that was until we walked into this place.
Austral Bricks - Albion Park Rail |
It's amazing how different brick colours actually look in real life as opposed to a glossy brochure. We are able to select bricks from 6 or so different groups of brick types listed in our colour guide and luckily Shell and I agreed from the onset that we really liked a lighter style brick, rather than a dark one. Our preference was a brick from the Everyday Life range called "Engage" which we really liked after seeing similar brick used in other homes we have been looking at for ideas. With our preference for a dark Colourbond roof and a rendered finish at the front of the Havana, we were excited that we agreed on what would look good for our new home.
Our initial preference
Everyday Life - Engage |
Our new preference
UrbanOne - Pepper |
Our brochure |
This morning we stumbled upon a different brick that we had also marked in our brochure as an option, from the Urban One range of bricks, a darker style brick called "Pepper". It immediately caught our attention as we wandered trough the display yard and we soon realised it was one of our preferences. We came away agreeing that this was our looks so much better than what is in the brochure and fits in nicely with our Colourbond selections.
Everyday Life - Engage |
Urban One - Pepper |
Some Colourbond colours with Pepper bricks |
So at the end of the day, we think we are getting a little bit closer with our exterior colours an brick choices. Hopefully it will all fall into place once w have our day long colour selection studio session.
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